here's a sneak peek at her schedule:
monday to thursday - will feature a new craft/project a day feature friday - she will make something from someone else's tutorial and link you there so you can make it yourself.
soapbox saturday - she will share with you something she thinks everyone should know about. sunshine sunday - she'll show you some photos she's taken throughout the week that show you what she's thankful for. yep - she does that all every week!!!!
i love it and i know you will too! she's got goodies from clothing refashions, sewing tutorials, accessories to home decor and crafts - there's lots of fun stuff over i just luv her blog's name and logo - too cute if you ask me!
and to top it off this pretty momma also has a funky accessory shop filled with the loveliest of headbands called "loopdeelou" - be prepared to drool!
now let's hear from cheri..............
Hey everybody! I'm Cheri from I Am Momma - Hear Me Roar. I was so excited when Shannon asked me to be a part of the Babyhood Bonanza. I love this blog!
I also love babies. I remember reading my first pregnancy test that was positive. There had been a lot of negative ones and I got so nervous each time I took a test. I knew my life was going to change, but I had no idea what I was getting into. I get a bit emotional even thinking about that moment. Motherhood is the most amazing and challenging thing I've ever been a part of. My kids are by far my greatest creations.
I also love babies. I remember reading my first pregnancy test that was positive. There had been a lot of negative ones and I got so nervous each time I took a test. I knew my life was going to change, but I had no idea what I was getting into. I get a bit emotional even thinking about that moment. Motherhood is the most amazing and challenging thing I've ever been a part of. My kids are by far my greatest creations.
On to the tutorial before I get too mushy! A lot of times when you think of baby gifts you think of pink, ruffly, flowery stuff. Well, I have two boys and I'm trying hard to provide a lot of boy-oriented projects in my corner of the blogosphere. Today I'm going to show you how to make a vinyl mustache bib.
Okay, obviously it doesn't have to have a mustache, but why not add a little manly humor? You can easily embellish it differently for a girl (if you don't have boys).
It's super easy to make and super easy to clean. Just wipe it off and you're good to go. Plus, it's fun to have a stylish bib when you're headed out. Head on over to my place for the full tutorial.
Thank you so much for having me, Shannon. If I never get a girl I'd love to switch you one of my boys for one of your girls. You make really cute ones. Let me know :)

thanks for coming by cheri, it's been so fun having your "sassy self" be part of the celebration!! i really appreciate it :) by the way, your boys are just as cute...maybe we have potential boyfriend/girlfriends here? your two and my two?
p.s. how do you manage to always look so put together my dear? i'm lucky if i get a shower never mind makeup and hair done? ok....insert my jealousy here again..hahaha, we need to exchange tips...let us in on your secrets k?
p.s. how do you manage to always look so put together my dear? i'm lucky if i get a shower never mind makeup and hair done? ok....insert my jealousy here again..hahaha, we need to exchange tips...let us in on your secrets k?