week 3 has come and gone and my little baby girl is now a month old!!! boo hoo...time has gone by way too fast. it's been hard to try to memorize all those little moments knowing that i will never have a newborn baby again, it just makes my heart break. the pics below are from our little household last week....

harper's been smiling up a storm (and not gas smiles folks), is weighing a happy, chubby 10lbs 5 1/2 oz, laughing in her sleep, figuring out she has hands and is reaching for my face, cooing and gurgling, and man, oh man, is she strong. the doc says this kid is at a 2 month old level....aiaya. looks like we've got another fast mover on my hands - mackenzie was the same way.
harper loves bath time and so does mommy and daddy. i usually bathe with both girls, but sometimes our schedule and my energy don't cooperate and harper gets her own bath. proud daddy and i have lots of fun with bath time...but we are always aware of the danger....i know you know what i'm talking about ladies...the poo or pee! we've both been pooed and peed on by both kids, so the fear is high, but the reward is so worth it! i love babies when they are all clean and cuddly!

our 3 year old is having a bit of a rough time adjusting at the moment which is making things a bit more stressful than necessary around here. she seems fine with the baby and has no negative feelings towards her, but her acting out is all in listening and discipline. she thinks she rules the roost now and can basically do what she wants cause mom can't move so well and is exhausted with anemia (yes, i am anemic and dealing with that on top of my surgery)...hahaha, plus i haven't left the house for 4 weeks except to go to the doctors - can you say "stir crazy"? needless to say my life has been a bit trickier dealing with her than it has been taking care of the baby. ahhhhh, toddlers - don't you just love the terrible 3's??? i'm looking forward to getting back to my old self and our old routine and shaking up that little terrors vision of the house she now thinks she is in charge of.
i know there are more of you out there dealing with this same issue, cause you've emailed me. so here's to all of us, for dealing with tantrums galore, piss on the floor and so much screaming you have to lock down the windows and doors! you are not alone. come beatch here, leave a comment...share your advice ok? it sure as heck makes me feel better :) consider this a virtual hug. we'll get through it...we always do...right????

p.s. a giant thank you to all of those wonderful friends of ours who have dared to take my 3 yr out of the house to play and to give me a bit of my sanity back while we endured our first week alone without help and to my folks for watching her and i for 3 weeks - love you guys!
harper's been smiling up a storm (and not gas smiles folks), is weighing a happy, chubby 10lbs 5 1/2 oz, laughing in her sleep, figuring out she has hands and is reaching for my face, cooing and gurgling, and man, oh man, is she strong. the doc says this kid is at a 2 month old level....aiaya. looks like we've got another fast mover on my hands - mackenzie was the same way.
our 3 year old is having a bit of a rough time adjusting at the moment which is making things a bit more stressful than necessary around here. she seems fine with the baby and has no negative feelings towards her, but her acting out is all in listening and discipline. she thinks she rules the roost now and can basically do what she wants cause mom can't move so well and is exhausted with anemia (yes, i am anemic and dealing with that on top of my surgery)...hahaha, plus i haven't left the house for 4 weeks except to go to the doctors - can you say "stir crazy"? needless to say my life has been a bit trickier dealing with her than it has been taking care of the baby. ahhhhh, toddlers - don't you just love the terrible 3's??? i'm looking forward to getting back to my old self and our old routine and shaking up that little terrors vision of the house she now thinks she is in charge of.
i know there are more of you out there dealing with this same issue, cause you've emailed me. so here's to all of us, for dealing with tantrums galore, piss on the floor and so much screaming you have to lock down the windows and doors! you are not alone. come beatch here, leave a comment...share your advice ok? it sure as heck makes me feel better :) consider this a virtual hug. we'll get through it...we always do...right????
p.s. a giant thank you to all of those wonderful friends of ours who have dared to take my 3 yr out of the house to play and to give me a bit of my sanity back while we endured our first week alone without help and to my folks for watching her and i for 3 weeks - love you guys!