i finally got to get my thrifty groove on yesterday. man oh man, it's been eons since i've been able to get out there and scour the dusty aisles..lol. i'm not sure why, but i just haven't been thrifting in what feels like at least a month or two. i was starting to get antsy and get that vibe...you know the one i mean...the one that makes you feel like something is calling to you to come and find it. it drives me nuts so i packed up both kidlets, hooked my sis into joining me & we hit up the local vv (value village).

first off i don't know why i don't learn to just suck it up and pay for parking. i mean seriously, one hour in our giant vv is just not enough. we had to set an alarm to go off on her phone just to give us enough time to make it to the till so we didn't get a parking ticket. i'm just cheap. i hate paying for parking. i think i need at least a good solid 2 hours in vv to really feel like i didn't miss out. i only got to look at housewares, fabric/linens, & toys (had to squeeze this in to keep the 4yr old happy) with a few clothing racks thrown in but that's just the tip of the iceberg. i didn't even get over to the furniture or really look at clothing. darn it all. next time, next time.

i think i got a good haul. i got my new fave pitcher (top of post) which matches my kitchen colors perfectly. it's real glass too which is a big coup in my book. i always seem to find cute fake glass ones and never glass so i was happy. the pitcher is happy too. she get's to join all her new vintage friends & be rescued from the dark, dirty lonely shelves of the vv. i got about 2 yards at least of the above home dec weight fabric. love the geometric print and the colors. i think a bag is in my future or pillows. we'll see :)
i fell instantly in love with this pink and green hankie. so adorable! this is going on a dress for one of the girls pronto! it makes my heart swoon. i also managed to find my first thrifted doily! i never find doilies. so that was a great find in and of itself.
i then managed to actually find vintage sheets! i was twirling my shopping cart in glee up and down the aisles by this point. the orange/yellow/red print is a pillowcase and is so summery and cheerful. i'm seeing an adorable dress paired with the matching orange one i also found for mackenzie. lucky girl...lol.
the blue one pictured above has my fave white trim on the edging. i love that. reminds me of my nana. so pretty and feminine. not sure if i can bear to cut into this one anytime soon. it may end up on my bed instead :)
all in all it was a good quick thrift. there was no potty accidents (happened before), no tantrums (we were close to one but it was averted), i'm not sick (i usually end up sick the next day after shopping there), we remembered to hand sanitize the crap out of ourselves when we got outside and no crazies bothered us in the store. two thumbs up. now i've got to get over to my fave haunt next week...i hear some pyrex calling my name.
have any of you been out thrifting lately? any fave finds? what do you make the most from vintage sheets? share...ladies, pics, links to your posts....i wanna see :)
*ps. have you entered for your chance to win patterns from "made" yet? get your entry in for the giveaway here.