moments in the mommyhood ||
do you ever wake up in the morning, take one look at your child and just know they grew from the night before?

since i'm starting to come out a bit from the haze of publishing and co-authoring a new book (JOURNEY) i realized it's been a while since i posted pics of my girlies and did a moments in the mommyhood post.  i'm still knee deep in work but i promise i've got lots of sewing coming your way (and maybe a new pattern) as well as a few new knitting patterns up my sleeve too! sneak peeks are coming! yay!!!

but now, to the fun stuff! my girlies! these kiddos have been so patient and understanding with a mommy who is "always working". i'm tired it's been a crazy roller coaster of a year and i'm so looking forward to this winter when i can curl up and nest with my babies. i am in desperate need of some quality time with them. crafting, playing, laughing...just being with my special little ones. they just seem to be getting so big so quickly. this year has just flown by!

moments in the mommyhood ||

m is in grade 1 now and h just started preschool in sept. my little one was doing awesome at preschool - no crying, no issues and now in the last few weeks has reverted to not wanting mom to go and crying...a lot when i leave. any ideas as to why the change? all of a sudden she doesn't want to go to any of her classes etc. poor little thing :(

m is doing awesome. she's still as strong willed as ever (any tips on dealing with strong willed children are always welcome for my sanity). she's smart as a whip that one and reading up a storm of books like her mama. i love that she can read chapter books to me now and i can just lay and listen. it's one of my favorite things.

it's been a hard 6 months trying to find the balance to make, create and still be mom (i fail at it most days...haha) and if you'd like to know more about how i attempt (attempt being the key word) to do it on a daily basis you can read a recent interview i did over on the fab yarn shop's blog - stash local. you can read the interview on "making & mothering" here. thanks again sonia!

moments in the mommyhood ||

so i'm typing this staring at 5 loads of laundry that need to be folded, a load that needs to go in, a horribly messy workspace of mine, dirty dishes from last night, unvacuumed carpet, and more - but the kiddos are at school so help me procrastinate :) let's chat! it's way more fun than cleaning!

what do you do to maintain creative balance? have you chosen creative time over chores some days? what are you currently working on? how do you incorporate your kiddos into your creative time?

p.s. check out my friends from the awesome e-mag Crafting Connections: A creative e-Mag for Little Ones & Their Grown Ups new online e-course called "Craft to Connect: Turn Creating with your Little Ones into an Enjoyable Habit"! Such an awesome idea!