DREIECKE HAT PATTERN || BUY NOW - use "30dayproject" for 50% off!

I was so excited when the fabulous knitting shop In the Loop asked for me to join in on their 30 Days of Indy for November

Each day of the month they are featuring a different independent knitting designer to showcase and offer you all an awesome deal on that designers pattern in order to promote their love of indy knitting designers!

So today I'm up! Yay! You can use the coupon code "30dayproject" in my Ravelry Shop and on (not valid on etsy) to get 50% off my Dreiecke Hat Pattern!!!! Wahoo! Coupon is valid for today ONLY.

You all know how much I love this pattern! It's one of my faves! It's a fun, addictive little knit that looks harder than it is. Promise. It only takes about 134 yds so it's truly the perfect 1 skein project to treat yourself with! You can find more details about Dreiecke here on the blog or here on ravelry.

Thank you again to In the Loop (who also hosted a Downton Cowl Knit Along the other month - how awesome are they!!) for having me! You can find there website here.

Happy knitting!!!

p.s. the blog may be quiet this week. I'm sick and I still have 2 sick kiddos that have been home with me. We're on the mend and I'm doing my best to get back on here :)