a lot of chit chat has been going on for the
tops, tanks and tees knit along on fit. if you're like me and you have some curves and you love knitting sweaters you most likely are always trying to find ways to modify existing patterns to fit your shape. i recently purchased a copy of the new book by amy herzog called
knit to flatter
and let me tell you - this is a must have book. the information in here is priceless. whether you lack curves, have a bit more in some places than others and so on amy has tips and patterns in here to suit every body shape. she also shows you how to measure, figure out your shape and dress your body type as well. it's a great resource. in particular i really found the sections on adding bust darts to cardigans and sweaters very helpful.
knit to flatter
is also gosh darn cute. the pink polka dot binding, the layout and graphic design of the book, the models...(i could go on & on), the book is just gosh darn welcoming, friendly, and like a great friend who always tells you the truth. it makes you feel awesome to see REAL women's bodies in here. not waifs, not just size 2's, not airbrushed fakes and definitely not only 32" busts. there are beautiful, gorgeous REAL women in this book and i loved it. i felt great after reading it. i felt a slight empowerment in knowing i could knit and dress my body properly and look just as great in my new handiwork as the size 2 model could. in fact the book breaks it down really easily after amy walks you through finding out your body type. i strongly feel like more books on both sewing and knitting should be showing images like these. ones of real women, no matter what their shape (skinny or curvy) or size looking gorgeous in handmade items.
so thank you amy herzog! can i just say you and
knit to flatter
rock! true to
stc craft | melanie falick style this book is lovely and a must have asset to any knitters book collection. i highly recommend it and you know what...mother's day is right around the corner. you deserve it....lol. heck i pre-ordered mine i wanted it so bad...lol.
since there has been chatting about mods and fit in the
ravelry group i recommend
knit to flatter
a great resource to have on this subject. i also recommend
a great guest post by
jane richmond on
"understanding fit" that is also a good reference on ease and more. i hope to use some of this info on my current project tops, tanks & tees project -
levenwick. wanna see how far i am? i
was motoring but have slowed down since i have been so sick the last week or so. you know you don't feel well when you don't knit too much. i'm just in the thick of the waist decreases so i'm hopeful that i can get it done in time for the deadline :) can i just say again how much i love the collar on this? that paired with the reverse stockinette is just making me so happy. it's so rustic looking. i heart it.
what about you? how's your project coming along? what project did you end up going with? did you blog about your project this week? share! chat! join in! it's never too late to grab those needles and jump in! happy knitting!
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