it's friday! phew! it's been a long one this week. i don't know about you guys but i'm dying for some sunshine. of course living on vancouver island we're basking in the rainshine instead of the sunshine. you know that grey that is so bright yet dreary at the same time you have to put sunglasses on? it's cold, windy and pouring buckets out today so harper and i are curling up with a quilt, a new movie, my knitting, her barbie and some fresh coffee. i thought i would pop in and say hello to all of you. wanna chat? yay!
i'm so excited to let you guys know i've been working away busily behind the scenes here on the blog. i've got some news to share hopefully in the next week or so that i can't wait to show you all! i'm also super excited to let you lovelies know that i finally started working on some new sewing patterns! yahoo! about time right? lol..i know. it's been a while. i'm hoping for an early summer release for 3 patterns (i hope)! after the craziness of the fall it will be fun to start sewing up some of my designs that have been waiting patiently for me to bring them to life. the sketchbooks and journals are on fire over here.
i've also got 2 new knitting patterns coming out soon!!! 1 for sale and 1 freebie! i loooove them and they are my newest go to knits. i hope you will all crush on them as bad as i have been :) i swear every time i put out a new pattern it's like having a little wee baby. they are all special too me in different ways and because i've been loving designing knitting patterns so much i'm jumping in with both feet. i've busy been beefing up my resource library with some classic knitting books. i couldn't resist picking up a copy of "the knitter's handy book of top down sweaters" and "the knitter's handy book of sweater patterns" both by anne budd. i also have in my collection "knitwear design workshop" and a few more on the way - "principles of knitting" and "knitting from the top". i don't know about you guys but i'm a visual learner and do really well learning by books. i'm also a book whore (sorry for the language but it's so the more of my faves i can splurge on for my collection the better :) i watch for sales and scoop when i can get huge discounts and free shipping. fyi- knitpicks has 40% off sales for books and when they do i advise taking advantage! happy early bday to me! oh it's hard being a book lover
ok so now i want to know what you've been making this week? i ask this question a lot on facebook and get tons of responses. it's fun! but i would rather chat with you all about it over here especially since it's tricky to even get my facebook statuses to show up to all of you on a regular basis. so fill me in. have you been knitting, sewing, crocheting? what project? got pics or a blog post to share? link them up in the comments. i love to see what crafty goodness you've all been up to.
do you have a fave knitting resource book that you use for technical things? what do you find yourself reaching for when you learn a new technique? i'd love to hear your thoughts on your process as well. do you take online classes or search for videos on youtube? c'mon..spill the beans!
wishing you all a new technique, crafty, coffee & sunshine filled kinda weekend! xoxoxo

p.s. i was so thrilled to find out that i was chosen as one of babble's top 50 mom craft bloggers for 2013!!!!!!!!!!! wahoo!! i'm doing cartwheels over here people!!! it's my 3rd year and i swear every year get's more and more exciting! thank you to all the peeps over at babble and to all of you awesome readers! thank you, thank you, thank you! this means a lot to me and my lil'ol blog :)