most of you know that i've been in the market for a loooooong time for my new baby..aka...the sewing machine. i've saved all my little pennies and got spoiled by my lovely family for my bday and was finally, finally able to go pick up my machine of choice. isn't she pretty??? that's her in her so cute and just waiting to be opened up & coddled at home.....
with her new mama. i'm going to love her a lot and i'm hoping we're going to get along reeeaaalll great. oh and yes, i am that dork who poses with an inanimate object in a public place...haha, i couldn't help myself guys. before i tell you all about her i wanted to share a little happy dance with ya...yes, i do that too and i didn't think it fair to try to capture my excitement without showing it to you in full shantastic style!!! so here's my shanny happy dance!!!

ok, so before you all laugh at me and think i'm off my rocker i'll tell you a bit about my new baby. she's a pfaff ambition 1.0. this machine was just released recently by pfaff. there is the 1.0 and the 1.5 in the ambition series. i received a press release and some info on this new line from pfaff's publicity department and let me just say as soon as that puppy popped up in my inbox i knew it was the one for me. i kept researching other machines but i knew my heart was already set on it. the only thing that wasn't working for me was the price. i had set a strict budget for myself (being thrifty and all) and was trying to find a way to swing the 1.0.
then the day before my birthday i got an email from victoria's best sewing machine dealer - sawyer's sewing center, with a new sale on and low and behold there was my pfaff just smiling at me on the cover! needless to say i went in and brought her home the next day. it was fate if you ask me.
i knew if i could get my hands on a pfaff at a price that i could afford i was going for it. i haven't heard one bad thing about the brand during all my posts and fb/twitter mentions. overall consensus - you all love pfaff. the pfaff ambition 1.0 also fit all my sewing needs. i work through a lot of layers a fair amount, i quilt (and modern quilting was very important to me), and i sew everyday - i needed a workhorse with a lot of room, space, strength and an engine that could! the built in walking foot on this puppy had me sold at hello! never mind all the perks she has as well. she met everything on my list and more. when i got home and saw in the stitches that come with the machine that there were 2 different houses that look like my watermark i just about died. it was meant to be. now when i quilt i can stitch my little house and name on eyes are tearing up as i type this..haha...that is how attached i am to it already and i haven't even used it yet.
here were the things i went in to the sewing store on my must haves list:
- drop in bobbin - one step buttonhole (a rarity for pfaff but mine had it!) - automatic needle threader - auto tension - a whole whack of cool stitch patterns (overlocks important) - free arm - lots of feet - adjustable stitch length & width - large plate - built in walking foot - adjustable needle positions (left to right) - stop/start button
and these were the things on my wish list:
- drop feed for free motion sewing - heavy metal frame for no movement while sewing - push button stitch selection - mirror stitch - automatic needle down for free motion quilting
the pfaff ambition 1.0 had everything on my list except for the automatic thread cutter but it had a built in walking foot which trumped the cutter if you ask me! here's all the perks and bells and whistles of the new pfaff line! check out the video..isn't she so pfaff created the ambition line to allow sewers access to all the pfaff technology (pfaff® idt™ (integrated dual feed) feature) at a more affordable price range. can we say awesome! with it's large, hi-res touch screen with built in alphabet and 136 stitches, 200mm sewing space and more i was excited!
and guess what, when i went in to sawyer's sewing centre i brought with me a big ol list of all the above info like a complete dork. yes, i made a fool of myself. i don't think i have been that nervous to make a purchase in a very, very long time. i felt like i was going to throw up before i went in i was so nervous..haha. i felt bad that the poor salesgirl (jaime) had to try to understand me when i was so obviously not able to articulate myself properly. if i remember correctly i literally ran in like a crazy person. inside i was like a little girl on xmas morning dying to run around the store screaming with joy! loooooossser...haha. oh well. we're not all cool and suave are we? i'm sure not. i'm a clumsy goof who felt like she had won the lottery when really she was just buying a sewing machine :P
(this is for personal use only)
image luvinthemommyhood
i've been busy reading and rereading my manual and drooling over my new baby but i have yet to use her. i think i am going to wait for my lesson or for at least a quiet time in my house to play with it uninterrupted. not sure which will come first as the hubs is busy every weekend for a few weekends now and i don't want the kidlets with me when i go in so until then....i'll be dreaming. i also wanted to send out a big thank you to all of my lovely readers who emailed, messaged, commented, tweeted etc on their fave sewing brands and for your tips and wisdom. i honestly don't think i could have made any kind of decision without all of your thank you and to my awesome sponsors of luvinthemommyhood - you guys rock and without your support this machine would not be in my living room! and to my family who spoiled me for my bday - love you guys! i can't wait to sew with her!
are you in the market for a new machine? check out my other posts on sewing machine shopping:
*sewing 911 - how the heck to choose & buy a sewing machine
*sewing 911 - what's your machine of choice?
have you recently bought a new machine? what did you get and why? i'd love to hear about it! let's chat sewing ladies!