by jenny wilding cardon
***this giveaway is now closed. thank you all for your entries.***
i'm so excited to have my friend and author jenny wilding cardon here on the mommyhood today! you all know the story about our post office adventure (click here to read more) and wow - was it a happy day when my copies of resew
the best part about resew is that it makes the whole process of revamping found items that much more exciting! i know for me, being someone who is still learning how to sew, i learned a whole whack load of new tips, tricks and techniques from jenny's "retips" found all throughout the book. i love these little peekaboo's at jenny's personality that are infused with all the sewing goodness. they were entertaining and very helpful. i also enjoyed the projects she had created. they were perfect for any sewer - beginner to intermediate. it was nice to see step by step instructions and guidelines on how to actually create these items! it made me imagine a whole world of options the next time i'm out thrifiting or shopping in my own closet!
so as jenny says in the book "i am molly ringwald in pretty in pink. and you can be too!" oh jenny, we were so meant to be friends...haha. so let's all embrace our inner mollys, hit up the thrift stores and get fabulizing your wardrobe and your home! you won't regret it! heck grab a friend to bring with you....we all need a ducky in our lives right? :)
let's take a peek at some of the projects in the book.....
love it!!!!!!!!

- one lucky winner will win an autographed copy of jenny's book resew: turn thrift-store finds into fabulous designs

- leave me a comment below telling me your what favorite item is to repurpose or refashion.
- subscribe to luvinthemommyhood or follow using google friend connect and leave another comment telling me you did that.
*bonus entry - "like" luvinthemommyhood facebook. click here to show your luv! then leave me another separate comment telling me you did that too :)
- you must leave a valid email address with your entry or you will be disqualified.
- the giveaway is open until friday, march 11th, 2011 at midnight (pacific standard time).
good luck to you all and thank you so much jenny! a huge congratulations to you and a huge thank you for asking luvinthemommyhood to be part of your fabulous blog tour! i'm so excited to end the tour! click here to read all the other wonderful blogs that were part of jenny's tour and here for her blog. don't want to wait to win the book? click here to purchase your own copy of rewsew
want to know more about jenny? click here to read our new interview with her for our "moms in the mommyhood" feature! you don't want to miss it!