this little monkey started walking yesterday. can you hear my tears falling? wahhhhh! ok....i'm done. moving on. she's cute, and adorable and man oh man, do i just love her to bits. i just can't seem to get over that she is now 10 months old? where has time gone people? it seems like yesterday i was sharing graphic stories of my vomiting with you all?? don't you miss those days? not.
we're also sleep training in our house right now. both of them. yep, the soon to be 4 year old and the baby. the 4 year old wakes more than the baby and that's about over...i've had enough. i realized that i had forgotten my long time mantra "i'm in charge of the house" that i like to chant in my head when the said 4 year old is telling ME what to do. not way! so thanks for all of your sleep training book recommendations on our facebook page - you guys are great! i went to the library and came home with a big armful and we are on day 4 and i'm getting way more sleep!!! you know what that means.....more crafting!! maybe i will get harper's hat from xmas knitted after all :P
awww, see that face of innoncence? this is before she grows up and turns into this...haha....
and brace yourself for this one folks. yes, this is a picture of the chaos i am living in at the moment. the hubby is getting home at midnight each night right now and i'm just holding my head above water and praying i don't sink. i know there are a lot of other women out there going through the same thing right now so i thought you would all appreciate a look into my "not so perfect" life. that's right. my house isn't spotless, it's not decorated to the nines, i have dirty laundry, dust, carpet stains, toys everywhere, mess and all the other evidence of a lived in and loved home. so the next time you feel like you just can't do it all....don't worry, none of us can. just keeping it real ladies, but not too real....i won't show you what my closet and bathroom look like - eeeek!
what's your week like? are you living in chaos too? how do you cope? let's have a chat....i just got starbucks and there's one here for you too :)