do you see it, do you see it - my new chair!!?? i cannot even put my excitement into words about this chair. i've been looking for 2 years for a chair that was smaller than 15" wide to fit into the tiny opening for my sewing desk. i was roaming the aisles of my local value village and at first spotted a wooden chair of a completely different style that might have worked but then, like a ray of light on a rainy day was my "chair". i love her. she's gorgeous isn't she? i can't wait to recover her seat and shine her up real nice. i'm still debating about whether or not to keep her the color she is or to paint her. i'll have to do another sewing wall revamp post and we can all chat about it.
i also picked up two other items...of all things, an egg holder. i fell in love with it. do not ask me why..haha. i love hard boiled eggs and remember using one of these when i was little and wanted mackenzie to have one as well. the other item i got was the bright blue, super soft fleecy blanket. isn't it fab? ha! i know it's not everyones cup of tea but it fits mine just right. mackenzie loves it and it ties in all the colors that i use for the girls decor. we like it cheerful in our house :)
on a side note, i braved the pool and went out in public in my bathing suit. eek. i survived and figured i better get over it sooner than later as i have about 2 months of wearing it ahead of me...aiayayaya. the girls had fun and harper had her first time in the pool and her first lesson. don't ya just love those chunky adorable!
i'm sure you have all heard on the news what's been going on in australia with the horrific flooding and the devastation and heartbreak it's caused. they are in the middle of a national disaster. my heart goes out to them, it's horrible & terrifying.
have you been wondering how you can help? please check out the Queensland Flood Appeal Auctions that the talented toni of make it perfect and her sister have organized. all the money these two wonderful ladies raise from the queensland flood appeal auctions will be going straight to the premier's auction relief fund.
where can you find the auctions? you can find over 2o0 online auctions going on all over the blogoshpere and on facebook. they started yesterday and they will be going on all throughout the week. you can find the master list for all the auctions happening on toni's blog here. there are some fabulous and i mean fabulous items up for bid from fabric and craft designers, artists, jewelers and quilters. so hop on over there and get bidding...there's some serious eye candy up for grabs and it's for a great cause.
have you been thrifting lately? what was your latest fave find? share...i love seeing all of your loot!