we love paper dolls in our house. i grew up with paper dolls and now my girls will too. i especially love that i can have my own paper doll and so can my daughter thanks to one of our fave mommyhood sponsors - lily & thistle! you just can't go wrong with a paper doll line that includes anne of green gables outfits! love it!
remember this face?
this is what my little one looked like when our paper dolls showed up a few months ago (you can read more about our review & lily & thistle here)! we love them and i will definitely be getting another one made up for harper so all 3 of us girls have our very own dolls. that's what makes lily & thistle special. the dolls come customized just for you - you pick the hairstyle, eye color, etc and when they show up...excitement!
talented momma hannah, who draws all the dolls and outfits herself has them packaged up all pretty for us moms to enjoy and there's even "good copies" of the dolls so you can frame them and keep them special. oh hannah, you speak right to my heart girl! also lily & thistle's special "amazing sticky strip" is FAB! the dolls have this special little sticky strip that never loses it stick. no folding or tearing just lots of wearable fun!!!
want one of your own? well now is the perfect time! hannah is offering you all a chance to stock up on your very own dolls during her special "day of giving" sale! no codes or special notes, just shop and don't forget to have fun! you're never too old for paper dolls...trust me..haha.
let's hear from hannah...
Buy any Custom Paper Doll Package and receive another free custom doll with Winter Outfits to give away (or to keep...we won't tell).
Buy ANYTHING from the shop and receive a free one year membership to the Outfit of the Month club.
Everything will be tastefully wrapped and ready to go under your tree.
Sale ends Wednesday at 12 a.m. MST so HURRY!

thanks hannah! luv ya! you can read more about hannah on her blog here, visit her other pattern shop "while they sleep" here and of course, lily & thistle here.
did you play with paper dolls when you were young? do you still play with them? which outfit is your fave?