you guys all ready for another great tutorial today? i am! the oh so talented lindsay from the etsy shop "the cottage mama" and the blog "the cottage home" is here today with a fabulous tutorial marrying knits & sewing together to make a lovely shawl collar sweater. how about curling up outside or inside for that matter in this felted comfy & cozy sweater.
i spotted lindsay's blog a while ago and just swooned when i saw her blog and her shop. ohhhhhh, all i have to say is the clothes are to die for! the fabrics, the personal touches, the flawless sewing....i want it all for my girls. so precious. she has this knack for putting together such modern and fresh pieces that still feel timeless.
lindsay is a busy mom of 2 girls and i have to say i just luv her. i like to say her and i were just
make sure you stop by lindsay's blog to see what she's up to whether it's a yummy new recipe, a fantastic new tutorial or a craft to brighten up your home, the cottage home's got it all. happy sewing and shopping i cannot wait to make this! i'm off to find some wool to felt :)
now let's hear from lindsay....
I'm so excited that Shannon asked me to be part of this month long battle she is having - Comfy Sews vs. Cozy Knits. Guess which side of the ring I'm on?
For those of you that know me, you know I am all about the sewing over on my blog, The Cottage Home. On a rare occasion I pick up my crochet hook and maybe someday I'll learn how to knit, but for now, the sewing needle is my tool of choice.
As of lately I've been slightly obsessed with felted wool. I thought this would be a great project to bring some of those on the "Cozy Knits" side of the ring over to the dark-side, "Comfy Sews". Surprisingly this project has minimal sewing and does not even require a sewing machine (though there is some hand-sewing involved). So if you have ever thought about trying a sewing project, trust me, this will be right up a beginners alley!
I don't know if you'll believe me, but this is just one large oval of fabric! You can use regular fleece fabric, recycled felted wool sweaters or, if you knit, you could simply knit your own fabric oval and felt it. If you have never felted wool before, click here to view my latest tutorial.
Let's get started..........
Click here for the full tutorial and happy felting!
thanks so much Lindsay!!! hugs!
tomorrow we've got a giveaway and a knitting tutorial so come pop in! join in on the fun! sport our button (on the sidebar) and show your support for either comfy sews or cozy knits....only one week left...who's it gonna be?
have you felted wool before? what did you use it to make? was it fun? i've never done it but i sure am going to try now!
tomorrow we've got a giveaway and a knitting tutorial so come pop in! join in on the fun! sport our button (on the sidebar) and show your support for either comfy sews or cozy knits....only one week left...who's it gonna be?
have you felted wool before? what did you use it to make? was it fun? i've never done it but i sure am going to try now!