to remember these words to live by........
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to figure out how to make myself a giant doily rug......
to figure out how to make myself a giant doily rug......
to find some vintage buttons this weekend....
to stop obsessing over this table, yes, it's even in my dreams....
to watch anne of green gables...i can't wait until the girls are old enough to read these...
to simplify and streamline our home for when the hubs starts school again....
to get ready to enjoy the change of seasons and to embrace fall.
we've got a long weekend on monday (yippee) so i won't be back till tuesday. after the last few weeks an extra day with the hubs home is a wonderful, wonderful thing! we plan on maybe going to an outdoor fair, an antique/collectibles/vintage fair (hunting for pyrex, buttons & other goodies), a concert by the ocean, cleaning, purging and cleaning some more. mixed in with some sewing, ok, hopefully lots of sewing, cuddles, friends, laughs and lots and lots of coffee...oops, i mean fun (you all know i hope i get a bit of sleep in there too).
we also plan on taking some pics this weekend and trying to capture a shot of our 3 year old who thinks lately that she is a "unicorn, fairy, princess horsie" (her wording). she's so obsessed with the idea of being a unicorn, fairy princess horsie that i made her a horn yesterday...ahahah, i'm still laughing about it and can't stop. i took a toilet paper roll and wrapped and taped some construction paper around it in a cone shape with a point on top and then put two holes in the bottom of the roll and slipped a matching headband in it. she won't take it off. ahhh, the little moments right? so adorable and hilarious at the same time. she now runs around making horse noises and insisting she doesn't have to eat dinner or go to bed because unicorns don't have to. too cute (hopefully pics to come).
what are your plans this weekend? any funny things going on with your kids this week? do they have a favorite thing they imagine themselves to be? happy weekend wishing!