2. necklace with teacup and lace doily by le chou chou
3. bracelet with tea cup and lace doily by le chou chou
4. vintage style ring with teacup and lace doily by le chou chou
2. alice teacup necklace by tasty
3. alice teacup earrings with blue detail by tasty
4. alice teacu earrings with green detail by tasty
5. alice teacup ring white with blue by tasty
6. alice teacup earrings by tasty
"Each cup of tea represents an imaginary voyage." ~Catherine Douzel
oh my gosh, this post was seriously so hard to put together. i could not stop drooling. i actually feared for the life of my laptop. that and the fact the baby almost barfed all over it as well caused me some undue stress. can you believe this stuff!!!! seriously. seriuosly. how gorgeous is it all? i had a whim to see if anyone had made some jewelry with teacups on etsy and holy cow! i sure didn't expect what i found! i could not in any way shape or form choose only 4. so instead i showcased 2 shops and my fave goodies from each one. gorgeous, lovely goodies. so now we can wear our love for tea, drink it, decorate with it and adorn our mugs and pots with it. life is so fun and we have another giveaway to add for you all tomorrow as well!
do you have any teacup jewelry? i'd love to see a pic if you do! c'mon, join in the tea cup month, click here for past posts and don't forget to snag our button off the sidebar if you like. you're invited, your cup is waiting and i just pulled some fresh muffins out of the oven - there's tea and coffee for everyone!
p.s. off topic, i had a very strong urge all week to go to our local value village (the hubs thought i was nuts) and dragged the whole famdamily down on saturday and what did i find....you ready for this....it's crazy....you sure you are ready? i found the dish from my weekend wish post!! yes the pyrex with the lovely blue flakes on it. can you believe it!!!!! i almost fainted. i was shaking with excitement. i coddled that dish like my baby and brought that sucker home. amy...i'm sorry, there was only one, but if i change my mind she's all yours. your gorgeous kitchen would be a nice home for it. i'm jealous by the way....frothing at the mouth over your mixer, heck the whole pic.