ooooeeee! eye candy! our last guest blogger this week is taylor from the fresh & fun blog "mary janes & galoshes". taylor keeps her blog filled with lovely pictures, crafty tutorials ranging from sewing, diy's, home decor as well as cooking and even great giveaways! too good to pass up if you ask me! she's also a super busy mom of three kids under three.
taylor has a few etsy shops under her belt along with the blog, the newest being "taylored arts", where she sells scrumptious personalized bookplates and stationery. while taylor and i don't know each other too well yet, i am not embarrassed to admit i have been lurking on her blog for a quite a while, so it was lots of fun to have her come and join in on the bonanza! make sure you pop on over to taylor's and say a big hello for me! i promise you won't be disappointed. wanna know more? taylor will fill you in below :)
now let's hear from taylor...........
Hello Luvinthemommyhood readers! I'm excited to share a fun tutorial with you today. I do a lot of transformation projects where I find something (new or old) that could be made better (or cuter) and I transform it. I also do the occasional from scratch project, but I have three kids under three years old so I don't have a whole heck of a lot of project time!
At MaryJanes and Galoshes I have a few subjects. "MaryJanes Moments" are random things from my life, "Wearing Galoshes" are my vintage shopping trips or anything that reminds me that I'm slowly turning into my mother! DIY Tutorials, pretty self explanatory, In the Kitchen, on the rare occasion that I make something edible and worthy of sharing, and Reviews/Giveaways. So a little of everything and hopefully something you will find you enjoy. Although I do tend to go in spurts with the topics, overall I do get to everything.
Without further delay, here is what I'm making over at MJandG today for you guys and those new baby nurseries!
Hope you stop over and check it out! Thanks for having me Shannon!
you're welcome taylor! thanks for coming by! well having fun? just a reminder that the bonanza will be continuing until july 23rd! lots of goodies still to come! don't forget to enter the "dress me up" giveaway!