there's been a lot of new readers to the blog lately (hello and welcome) and i'm not sure that all of you know that i am canadian. i live in beautiful british columbia, on vancouver island, in the lovely city of victoria. if you are a fellow canadian, like me, you know that today is canada day! yippee for canada! us canadians go wild with celebrations, chock filled with our anthem, flags and leafs galore, fireworks, face painting, parades, yummy food and just plain, good ol'cheerfulness and lots of fun!
i love being canadian and i love this great country of ours. it's gorgeous and i think, one of the best places to live. so to all you canadians out there, wherever you are in this big ol'world - HAPPY CANADA DAY!
p.s.....i know you guys have july 4th just around the corner and i couldn't help mentioning this adorable tutorial for patriotic pillowcase dresses from the lovely blog "aesthetic nest"...this would, of course be just as cute with the canadian flag as well :)

what are your plans for canada day? are any of you in victoria? leave a comment and say hi!
p.s.....i know you guys have july 4th just around the corner and i couldn't help mentioning this adorable tutorial for patriotic pillowcase dresses from the lovely blog "aesthetic nest"...this would, of course be just as cute with the canadian flag as well :)
what are your plans for canada day? are any of you in victoria? leave a comment and say hi!