ok ladies, now i know most of you have heard of lil blue boo, but i'm going to introduce ashley anyways. i became an avid follower of ashley's bright and colorful blog around the time i started luvinthemommyhood and have been a huge fan since. whether she is making me laugh, inspiring me to sew, craft, paint and do crafts - ashley does it all with pizazz and spunk! she's honest and heartwarming and her daughter is gorgeous (just like her mommy). plus i am obsessed and astounded by all of the wonderful refashioning and pattern making she does with knits and t-shirts!
at lil blue boo you can find a wealth of information and lots of fun, but you can also find links to ashley's pattern store, clothing store, and painting shop....yes, she has all of these and still finds time to blog and be a mother and wife......i know...where does she find the time? she must be a bit crazy right? nope, just super talented! so pop on over and check out her lovely, lovely goodies or raid your closet and make some of your own using her patterns.
now let's hear from ashley..........
Hi there! I'm Ashley over from Lil Blue Boo. I was so excited when Shannon asked me to be a part of her babyhood bonanza! My little Boo is not so little anymore.....she turned three a few months ago. She inspires everything I do and her spunky little personality is a breath of fresh air everyday.
My baby story? Well, pregnancy was hard for me. I love working with paints, resins, chemicals, power tools, ladders everyday....and most of that was off limits for a pregnant woman! My doctor tried putting me on bed rest a few times.......I guess I didn't quite understand that steam cleaning my carpets and reupholstering nursery chairs wasn't classified as "resting." I was even on the floor sideways in my nephew's nursery at 9 months pregnant trying to paint an ocean mural....I was laying on the floor, that's resting right? Each doctor's appointment consisted of a claustrophobia-induced panic attack in which I would sweat off pounds of cocoa butter all over everyone. I never had any questions for the doctor. I had a c-section because I was scared to death of childbirth. Boo was a little miracle. I didn't breastfeed. The nurses in the hospital didn't even try to hide their disgust. I just rolled my eyes back at them. My mother forced me to use a breast pump for a few days so Boo would get something called colostrum....I threw tantrums. I recuperated from my c-section in about a week. I never stressed over brands or ingredients or bedtimes. And it all worked out. I have a beautiful-independent-creative-curious-precocious-loving life every minute-daring to be different-little girl who makes me swell with overwhelming love. She's my side kick, my mini-me.
I am in awe at how this tiny being......

.....has become a tiny person in what seems like such a short amount of time.

While I don't have a tiny baby of my own anymore, I still have the opportunity to make things for my baby nieces, nephews and my friend's babies. I love making elaborately layered personalized nursery art pieces.....unique to each child.

I recently made a piece for a friend's new baby boy and knew that babyhood bonanza would be the perfect opportunity to take the time to document my layering process for a tutorial!
Come on over and take a peek on how to make your own art using simple hardboard, paint, stitching, and ready-made frames. Thank you so much Shannon for including me in the "baby" lineup!

you're welcome ashley, and thanks for coming by to be part of the bonanza, inspiring me to sew and to never look at a t-shirt the same way ever again - you're the best!!!
we've got more fun coming your way this week - a giveaway, another tutorial and a special announcement.....so stick around!
have you made anything from the babyhood bonanza yet?
all images copyright lil blue boo
we've got more fun coming your way this week - a giveaway, another tutorial and a special announcement.....so stick around!
have you made anything from the babyhood bonanza yet?
all images copyright lil blue boo