to stop getting sucked in by cute animal pictures.....
to spot love in all the right places..........
to be able to eat all of these adorable cupcakes..........
that you will all make weekend wishes even when i'm on "baby leave".......
to figure out why i keep finding myself longing to dye my hair red again after the baby is born....
to jump around and frolic with my hubby to celebrate the end of tax season....
image via kyracee
to go into labour on my own without an induction..........
image via luvinthemommyhood
to ride a bike again and feel the wind in my face.........
to go into labour on my own without an induction..........
to ride a bike again and feel the wind in my face.........
today is a special day. we love april 30th in our house. it's the end of tax season, the end of lonely nights without my hubby coming home from work until 2:00am, from my daughter telling me she misses daddy 3 times a day, to me crossing days off the calendar until this day comes along....the list goes on. all in all, it's a happy day in our house.
yesterday i got to experience having a maid come clean my home for the first time in my life. it was needless to say, fabulous!!!! thanks for the pressie honey! it was great to sit and not worry that i can't bend over anymore to scrub my tub, or clean my kitchen floor or that i couldn't stand to not be able to keep the house all together on my own anymore. little bean - it's a good time to come now! the house is clean and dad's home from work till tuesday!
i'm now on the home stretch coming up on 40 weeks next week. the braxton hicks are still vying to be my clingy best friend, keeping me in pain and up all night but not helping me to dilate any farther than 1 cm! damn you! i'm staying positive though and hoping the wee one doesn't need to be induced like my first girl. your big sister really wants to meet you and so do we, so come on out and join the family!
i'm excited for you to all join in on the "babyhood bonanza" starting next week. I'll be busy this weekend getting things organized here on the site, getting my deck all flowered up with pretty lovelies, yummy herbs, cushions and all other spring/summer decor that makes me long to sit outside and sip mojito's, mackenzie's going to little league with dad and i get the house to myself for 2 hours!!!! sounds pretty good to me.
what are you lovely ladies up to this weekend? are you getting ready for the warmer weather? any plans to enjoy some "me" time without the kids this weekend?