it's my little ladies 3rd birthday today so i'll be spending the day celebrating with her. i love you sweetheart, you are my angel and my miracle baby all in one. thank you for blessing our lives with your sweet self - we love you more than we can say.

i couldn't resist posting 2 of my fave pics of mackenzie and i, trust me when i say i could have spent hours putting together mosaic after mosaic for you all to ohhh and ahhh over. it was hard not to, but i decided to go with 2. yep, just 2....ok, i may post more later...haha, but for now just 2.
she wasn't even 1 yet in these pics and we were still living in lovely vancouver. these pics were taken at stanley park in the fall, it's stunning there at that time of year and i miss it...gosh how time flies. the above photos capture an important time in my life with her and they won out amongst the gazillion pics i have our little girl, i must have baby on the brain! i cannot believe she is 3 years old today! insert my sobs.....ok, moving on...haha.

sorry this is just a quick post, but i'm busy getting tomorrow's special guest post for "made" that's part of "celebrating mom" ready to go for y'all! i'm excited! make sure you pop on over to see what dana's got going on and also disney from "ruffles and stuff". there will be lovelies up for the next 2 weeks!
any of your little ones having special bday's this week?
she wasn't even 1 yet in these pics and we were still living in lovely vancouver. these pics were taken at stanley park in the fall, it's stunning there at that time of year and i miss it...gosh how time flies. the above photos capture an important time in my life with her and they won out amongst the gazillion pics i have our little girl, i must have baby on the brain! i cannot believe she is 3 years old today! insert my sobs.....ok, moving on...haha.
sorry this is just a quick post, but i'm busy getting tomorrow's special guest post for "made" that's part of "celebrating mom" ready to go for y'all! i'm excited! make sure you pop on over to see what dana's got going on and also disney from "ruffles and stuff". there will be lovelies up for the next 2 weeks!
any of your little ones having special bday's this week?