luvinthemommyhood turning "1"!!!!!
yep, it's our little blogiversary. it was in march last year that i turned what was a personal blog for family into this passion of mine. it's been tons of fun and an amazing ride watching it grow and i am so excited to see what this next year holds for us. i'm also very grateful and thankful for all my wonderful readers that come by and visit, it makes my days just that much more enjoyable - you guys mean a lot to me and even if we have never met face to face i consider you all my friends :)
so i'm a bit sorry to say instead of giveaways and guest posts we will be having more of a quieter bday celebration for our first year. i thought it would be fun to take a look back at the year (or an introduction for all of you who are new to the blog) and all the fun things that have been going on in our "neighbourhood". so here and there until the end of the month i'll be posting a few of these celebration posts.
luvinthemommyhood will also be undergoing a face lift, so bear with us as some changes are being made on the site to make things easier to find and a bit more spiffy if you ask me :) just in case you are wondering, those little hearts on the top of the sidebar are for you to click on to join/follow luvinthemommyhood. you can subscribe in a reader/email, follow us on twitter, join our facebook group, our flickr group and our you tube channel all from one loving little section. i hope you like it and find it a bit easier to find luvinthemommyhood around the internet. you can also join us via the "google friend connect" that you can find a bit lower on the sidebar. i have to admit i don't use this myself as i use google reader to keep in touch with all of you but i decided to make this function easier for those of you who do use it to find, so c'mon, join in, subscribe and let's start this party!
to start off, a lot of people ask or email questions about the blog and me and how things started. here's 2 interviews that i've had the pleasure to be asked to take part in. i hope they answer some of your questions and maybe you'll find out something new about me as well.
so i'm a bit sorry to say instead of giveaways and guest posts we will be having more of a quieter bday celebration for our first year. i thought it would be fun to take a look back at the year (or an introduction for all of you who are new to the blog) and all the fun things that have been going on in our "neighbourhood". so here and there until the end of the month i'll be posting a few of these celebration posts.
luvinthemommyhood will also be undergoing a face lift, so bear with us as some changes are being made on the site to make things easier to find and a bit more spiffy if you ask me :) just in case you are wondering, those little hearts on the top of the sidebar are for you to click on to join/follow luvinthemommyhood. you can subscribe in a reader/email, follow us on twitter, join our facebook group, our flickr group and our you tube channel all from one loving little section. i hope you like it and find it a bit easier to find luvinthemommyhood around the internet. you can also join us via the "google friend connect" that you can find a bit lower on the sidebar. i have to admit i don't use this myself as i use google reader to keep in touch with all of you but i decided to make this function easier for those of you who do use it to find, so c'mon, join in, subscribe and let's start this party!
to start off, a lot of people ask or email questions about the blog and me and how things started. here's 2 interviews that i've had the pleasure to be asked to take part in. i hope they answer some of your questions and maybe you'll find out something new about me as well.
interview with handmade news - thanks sara! i'm honored to make the front page!
interview with mique from 30 handmade days - thanks mique! i am still thrilled you even thought of me :)
interview with mique from 30 handmade days - thanks mique! i am still thrilled you even thought of me :)
speaking of interviews.....y'all know how much i love the "moms in the mommyhood" section on our blog. it's one of my fave posts to do out of the month and i have to admit, i just love getting that sneak peek into someones life that i wouldn't normally have ever met or found out about, plus it involves one of my fave things to do - chat! it's tons of fun and each one of you talented ladies means a lot to me. thanks to all of you for taking the time to be part of my little "neighbourhood", i truly do appreciate it! here's a flashback at our year of moms...
if you are new to the mommyhood, our "moms in the mommyhood" features a new mom monthly who currently has their own business (doesn't matter what kind). we try to sit down and have a virtual cup of coffee and ask them all the fun, little questions that we are dying to know. we also try to get a glimpse into their lives and what it's like to have your own business and be the boss of your kids at the same time. we are always on the lookout for new moms to feature. if you know someone or you would like to be featured in this spot, please send us an email at don't be shy - we can't wait to meet you!
click on the images below to read our
"moms in the mommyhood" interviews :)
"moms in the mommyhood" interviews :)
don't worry the party isn't over yet.....we've got way more to come, so stay tuned! next up this week in our small celebration - a look back at our tutorials and crafty fun in the mommyhood!