sorry folks, no link luv roundup today....i know, it sucks. i'm sad about it, but my back isn't. i just couldn't manage the amount of computer time it takes for me to put that puppy together each week yesterday. sitting at the desk just wasn't manageable for the pain...haha.

instead i thought i would show off what i think is the cushiest, loftiest, stuffed to the brims with filling, almost bursting at the seams nursing pillow i could ever have dreamed to make. for xmas i had asked the hubs for "simple sewing for baby" by lotta jansdotter and this pattern was one of the reasons. i hated my old boobie pillow. the thing sucked and you couldn't wash it - gross! i mean, c'mon, my kid pooped, barfed, drooled and just plain did disgusting things to that boob pillow. it truly freaked me out to use it near the end.

so making one was the next option for me. instead of spending the big bucks on a washable minkie one, i spent maybe $10 CDN to make this puppy. the material was from Ikea and was 1.99/yd!!! don't you just love that? the stuffing was from walmart and is hypoallergenic and machine washable and was only $2.97/bag. i used 2 1/2 bags and let me tell you, there is no room left in this baby! i'm obsessed with it. now when the new baby decides to let the spit up fly i can just pop the whole dang pillow in the machine. no washing the cover while the bacteria builds up in the poly filling for this girl.

the pattern from the book was so simple and a lot easier than some of the ones i found online. i think this is a great project for any beginner sewer like me to take on. it was also very rewarding - mackenzie even got to help me stuff it.
have you guys made your own nursing pillows before? what are your thoughts? it sure is a lot more economical and i think a lot more stylish then the plain jane models you usually find in stores.
oops...almsot forgot....HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY!!!!
all images luvinthemommyhood
instead i thought i would show off what i think is the cushiest, loftiest, stuffed to the brims with filling, almost bursting at the seams nursing pillow i could ever have dreamed to make. for xmas i had asked the hubs for "simple sewing for baby" by lotta jansdotter and this pattern was one of the reasons. i hated my old boobie pillow. the thing sucked and you couldn't wash it - gross! i mean, c'mon, my kid pooped, barfed, drooled and just plain did disgusting things to that boob pillow. it truly freaked me out to use it near the end.
so making one was the next option for me. instead of spending the big bucks on a washable minkie one, i spent maybe $10 CDN to make this puppy. the material was from Ikea and was 1.99/yd!!! don't you just love that? the stuffing was from walmart and is hypoallergenic and machine washable and was only $2.97/bag. i used 2 1/2 bags and let me tell you, there is no room left in this baby! i'm obsessed with it. now when the new baby decides to let the spit up fly i can just pop the whole dang pillow in the machine. no washing the cover while the bacteria builds up in the poly filling for this girl.
the pattern from the book was so simple and a lot easier than some of the ones i found online. i think this is a great project for any beginner sewer like me to take on. it was also very rewarding - mackenzie even got to help me stuff it.
have you guys made your own nursing pillows before? what are your thoughts? it sure is a lot more economical and i think a lot more stylish then the plain jane models you usually find in stores.
oops...almsot forgot....HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY!!!!
all images luvinthemommyhood