i am a huge fan of kiss my face products but felt the need to mix things up a bit lately. i thought i would share what i've been using lately with all of you and get some feedback on what your favorite natural or organic product line is that you use and why it's important to you as a woman and as a parent.
i've been a long time drooler of burt's bees products but have only recently had a chance to try some. i have to say that i am so happy with their products. i have had friends recommend them for years but just never seemed to get my hands on some for myself.
2) replenishing lip balm with pomengranate oil
3) almond milk beeswax hand creme
4) radiance exfoiliating body wash
my fave out of the products above has to be the naturally ageless line smoothing eye cream (which i now need) and the almond milk beeswax hand creme...oh la la, this cream is to die for. it smells delicious and actually helps my poor, dry hands without being greasy. the eye cream is fantastic and to my surprise, i did notice a difference in my skin tone and the bags under my eyes.
i also like that burt's bees labels every product with a "natural bar" score allowing customers to clearly identify the high level of natural ingredients used in that particular product. they use recyclable containers/packing and adhere to a strict set of guidelines that meet "the natural standard". all their products are made using a natural process as well.
to learn more about burt's bees values, processes and ingredients click here.
certified organic, chemical free, pure canadian, have a variety of vegan products, and only use biodegradable ingredients, recyclable containers and packaging. they are striving to continue to introduce products made with canadian ingredients that are organically grown or ecologically wild crafted from coast to coast.
they have a great page on their website outlining all the bad things that are not in their products and what harm those ingredients can cause. click here to read more about the harmful chemicals commonly found in other products that we should strive to avoid and here to learn more about this company.
what about our kids? bonus is that both of the above companies also carry product lines for our little ones. this is a great thing. it happens to me all the time that i find i company i like but can't find one for mackenzie. i plan to try to get my little hands on these two products soon to try out on mackenzie:
1) green beaver jr. foaming body wash
2) baby bee bubble bath (tear free)
sorry this post may sound like one giant ad (no, i'm not getting paid to talk about these), but this is truly something that i feel is important for us as women, mothers and for the environment. if we all made a small change in the products we use we can make a big change in our health, our children's health and in the life of our precious planet. ok, enough preaching...haha, i'm done now. your turn to talk, i would love to hear your thoughts below.
what is your favorite all natural or organic beauty care line to use? who do you recommend? what line do you use for your children?