let the nesting begin! i thought i would share which books i've been busy scanning pages from and borrowing from the library to get some knitting projects on the go for the new little bean. not sure why, but it's been a lot easier to knit lately than sew. a comfort thing i guess, as in that "i'm feeling too huge to sit in front of the sewing machine for long periods of time, need to beach myself on the couch, wool in hand, feet propped, needles moving, project runway on tv kind of comfort mode" (also the amount of wool in my stash that i found in my storage room to burn through could be a factor).

i've got a huge list of books i'm trying to get my hands on, but my local library sucks! i know they have budget cuts but they are sorely lacking in the handmade department for new and current reading. it's horrible! if i tried to buy all the books i was looking for i would be as broke as our public library system, so no go for me. i keep holding out hope they will eventually get a few in and in the meantime i just scour ravelry for my go to projects (i've got one almost done i'll show you all soon).
i know not everyone is a member on ravelry, but if you knit/crochet or are looking to learn please join! it's free and so much fun! you won't regret it. it's dangerous though, i log on there and the next thing i know it's 2 hours later, my fave folder is bursting, my daughter's whining for me and my hubby is begging me to get off the computer...dangerous...dangerous thing that ravelry. so in the meantime here's some good ol' books to hold in your hands, yes, i still love to do that. so get reading and of course, knitting!

1) handmade beginnings by anna maria horner
(not knitting but worth adding here)
2) design it, knit it: babies by debbie bliss

1) essential knits for kids by debbie bliss
2) the expectant knitter by marie connolly
3) essential baby by debbie bliss
4) wacky baby knits by alison jenkins

1) booties, blankets & bears by debbie bliss
2) natural nursery knits by erika knight
3) vintage knits for modern babies by hadley fierlinger
4) easy baby knits by claire montgomerie
5) knits for the modern baby by lena volchok
6) vintage baby knits by kristen rengren and thayer allyson gowdy
what's your favorite knitting book for babies? add your pick to the comments below, i'd love to hear your fave!
p.s. don't forget to vote :) voting is open till the 20th of feb and then we move on to the top 5!
i've got a huge list of books i'm trying to get my hands on, but my local library sucks! i know they have budget cuts but they are sorely lacking in the handmade department for new and current reading. it's horrible! if i tried to buy all the books i was looking for i would be as broke as our public library system, so no go for me. i keep holding out hope they will eventually get a few in and in the meantime i just scour ravelry for my go to projects (i've got one almost done i'll show you all soon).
i know not everyone is a member on ravelry, but if you knit/crochet or are looking to learn please join! it's free and so much fun! you won't regret it. it's dangerous though, i log on there and the next thing i know it's 2 hours later, my fave folder is bursting, my daughter's whining for me and my hubby is begging me to get off the computer...dangerous...dangerous thing that ravelry. so in the meantime here's some good ol' books to hold in your hands, yes, i still love to do that. so get reading and of course, knitting!
(not knitting but worth adding here)
2) design it, knit it: babies by debbie bliss
2) the expectant knitter by marie connolly
3) essential baby by debbie bliss
4) wacky baby knits by alison jenkins
2) natural nursery knits by erika knight
3) vintage knits for modern babies by hadley fierlinger
4) easy baby knits by claire montgomerie
5) knits for the modern baby by lena volchok
6) vintage baby knits by kristen rengren and thayer allyson gowdy
what's your favorite knitting book for babies? add your pick to the comments below, i'd love to hear your fave!
p.s. don't forget to vote :) voting is open till the 20th of feb and then we move on to the top 5!