here's the belly!!!! growing like a weed! i'm now 18 1/2 weeks and super excited to be going for the big ultrasound appointment on friday! cross your fingers that the baby is in a good position to fnd out if it's a boy or a girl! i can't wait, we tried to find out what mackenzie was but she had her legs good and crossed. i didn't mind not knowing with her but this time round it just makes life easier to know ahead of time.
we finally had some blue skies around here just the right color to bring out my girl's big blue eyes! i can't begin to explain how great it was to feel and see the sunshine - i just wanted to bask in it with my big belly...haha. we have had a steady flow of rain/wind storms here in Victoria and the sun was a very welcome surprise. i actually got to exercise outside! now for another 45 days of rain and maybe we might get a sunny day again.....or we hope at least.......