isn't this fabulous! i never would have thought of doing this and i have a knife rack exactly like this that i stare at daily! what a great way to add some color to the kitchen! make one for yourself with the how to over on
the farm chicks.
i'm swooning over all the lovely goodies on
ninainvorm's shop!

lovely, lovely, lovely
photo. i've been feeling like this lately - have you?

i just picked up some of this fabric from ikea and swooned when i saw
this project made from it over on revoluzza! there are goodies galore on this blog!
{via whipup}i adored these flip dolls when i was a kid! i was so happy to see
we wilsons do an easy tute to make one for my daughter to play with!

get your kids ready for school/preschool with
this tute for sewing your own school bags over on make it do.
ummm, if i could ever get the courage up to actually learn how to surf instead of just dreaming of one day doing it, i would want one of
oh joy! has released the loveliest home office collection through
chronicle books! oh how i wished my budget allowed for me to go nuts over on the chronicle books website. i find it hard to control the drool factor when perusing their latest goodies.
learn how to make your own pottery barn looking decorative balls with the fabulously talented vanessa over on
this is for you dana! hope the move goes well ya cowgirl you!!! yee-haw!! make sure to make up your own batch of cowgirl cookies from bakerella in honor of dana from the blog

i was so excited to stumble upon the new online gallery
"lovely clusters". rachel already has a
blog under the same name and this is an extension of it that is a wonderful and gorgeous collection of beautiful handmade goods by designers and artists linking to their shops. the icing on the cake is that you can shop by color cluster! yes, dreamy shoppers rejoice! pick your fave colour and then get clicking. she's teamed up with vicki from "
simply hue" and together they have made what is sure to be one of my fave places to shop!

i'm going to be knitting
these as soon as the warm weather is gone.

you all know i am a fan of the blog
heart of light and i was ecstatic when catching up on my reader that she has launched an
etsy store under the same name! go pick up a cute headband!
diy canvas frame inspiration board over on creature comforts
eye candy for you quilters out there! check out this beauty from
jaybirdquilts over on
moda bake shop! great job hun!

one of my fave knitting blogs pickles has launched a
new store! plus i'm all over
this shawl for the early fall!
thank you oliver and s, for another great
free pattern!
i don't have anything to say about
this link except it's friggin wonderful!!!!! go check it out! who's your girl crush?
things i'm luving this week:- the new vintage clothing store
13 bees on etsy
- all the clothes in the new fall line from
mishalulu {via cakies} and
olive juice kids.
- super excited by the rumour that
american apparel is opening up here in victoria!!!
- the office administrator in me secretly drooled when i spotted
this post over on bakery today. fear not those looking for spreadsheets, this is a must favorite for any home or business.
- have you redecorated your bedroom and think it kicks ass? make sure to enter this contest over on
coco + kelly to win some super prizes!
- i'm hearting the creativity over on the blog "
color me katie"!
{via a little sussy}- make sure to download your copy of parasol's newest zine "
parasol craft"!
- creative kismet has a great how to on making your own
recycled bag art journals!
- keep those baby legs warm with this super easy
baby legs tutorial from calico! i love this!
- are you a font lover like me? check out
this roundup of free fonts galore!
- check out indie fixx's annual
back to school guide for 2009.- take a peek at this
shirt refashion done two ways on "homemade by jill"! i'm all over the pillowcase! great idea!
what are you link luving this week? any new faves?