i'm really excited about the newest tutorial in the "newbie sewing series" called "shirt sleeve to yoga capris". yes, that's right, i made pants from a pair of sleeves. nuts? nope. fun? you betcha! i got so many comments about the first tutorial in this series (click
here for the tute) stating that they wished they could make pants in an adult size, that i couldn't stop thinking about it. i remembered one day a week or so ago that my hubby had thrown this soft, blue cotton polo in his donation to my sewing pile and a light bulb went off in my head. the sleeves stretch! they could fit around my thighs, ok, possibly fit, so i tried them on. mackenzie had a great laugh, jer thought i was nuts, but i persevered. i love how they turned out.

this tutorial requires you to think outside of the norm. we usually wear pants with a seam that goes from front to back in the middle of our bodies, well not these pants. they go from side to side from the inseam outwards. i find it super comfortable and kind of like a pantie line you are allowed to see! during the process i realized that having the seam go on an angle upwards was a leg lengthening trick that is used on bathing suits and with the low rise waist, they could be great for yoga or just lounging in. the best surprise is that they turned out be a great maternity pant as well. no, i'm not pregnant, but i can easily see someone who is being able to wear these around the house during the whole 9 months and after. they are easily adjustable due to a drawstring hidden in the inner waistband and no constricting or tight fabric. i swear i lived in a pair of jammie bottoms that fit almost like this during my whole pregnancy.

so raid your closets, hit up the thrift stores and try a pair. go wild with it. open up your imagination and make yourself your own pair of comfy, fat day, bloat day, live on the couch and eat ice cream, meditate and do sun salutation day pants.

for those of you new to the "newbie sewing series" we provide a tutorial geared towards anyone who sews, but mostly for those who are learning, like me. you get a pdf download of the tutorial and also a handmade video of lil'ol me making them. there may not always be the correct terminology, or the best process, but that's what it's all about when you are learning to sew, it's not always perfect, but it's sure fun.
**Copyright 2010 www.luvinthemommyhood.com
All rights reserved. For personal use only. Please do not sell items made from this tutorial unless permission has been given.
click here for the pdf download
(please let me know if you have a problem downloading, we were having technical difficulties last night. that's why there is no preview here.)
and here for the video tutorial.
so come along for the ride, use your creativity and remake, repurpose or refashion something into these comfy capris and then lounge, meditate, stretch and pose your little heart out! these pants are made to be custom fit to you!
send us your pics! we would love to see if you make any of the projects in the "newbie sewing series" - please email your creations to luvinthemommyhood@yahoo.ca it's inspiring to see what all of you have been making!