i was super excited to see this tutorial pop up for a shirred pillowcase top by betz white over on craftzine. firstly, i am obsessed with collecting pillowcases for various sewing and craft projects, and secondly, it's a great way to economically stock up on material and a lot of times the patterns are just scrumptious!
i have yet to make any clothing from one though, and i think that may change now that i spotted this tute. what a cute summer top and the tutorial is very well laid out, with lots of pictures for us new sewers! if any of you haven't heard of betz white yet, she is the author of the new book "sewing green" that i highly recommend.
i am also waiting to get my hands on a copy of the new release "dozens of ways to repurpose a pillowcase" all about, of course, pillowcase projects! yippee! so next time you are in a store and you spot either new or secondhand pillowcases, don't just think of them for prettying up your pillows, when they could pretty up you, your kids or your home!