I'm taking some time this upcoming week for our summer vacay so things will be quiet around here but I promise I'll be back soon. We're all super excited for our much needed "staycation". I plan on getting in some much needed family time, getting to see friends from out of town, reading (and more reading), and all the other awesome things that come along with summer vacation! Bring on the relaxation!

In the meantime I hope you are all enjoying your summer! For those of you participating in our Summer Sweater Knit Along you're doing awesome!!! I'm so blown away by all of your progress! I can't wait to catch up with all the chatter next week! Don't forget to check out our brand new Tips + Techniques page too! I hope you all find it easier to navigate!

And for you sewers I'm excitedly putting the last few touches on a new pattern and I'll hopefully be putting out a tester call in September so watch for that! I've also been working on sewing myself up a new bag, a Southport Dress and planning on what I'd like for my fall handmade wardrobe this year!

Alright my lovelies, thanks for reading and I'll see you in a week or so! What have you been making this summer? Any new projects you want to share? xoxo