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weekend wishes

to go somewhere...

Source: via Michelle on Pinterest

to give you a smile...

Source: None via luvinthemommyhood on Pinterest

to find some turquoise shoes...

Source: via luvinthemommyhood on Pinterest

to get going on my plans to crochet a blanket this winter...

Source: via luvinthemommyhood on Pinterest

to do some sketching (buffy...wink wink)

Source: via Amy on Pinterest

to eat a ton more of my greek salad...yum!...

image luvinthemommyhood

to have a wonderful nap...

Source: via luvinthemommyhood on Pinterest

to have coffee with you...

Source: via luvinthemommyhood on Pinterest

and to remember this when i am wayyyyy overtired..which i'm pretty sure is everyday :P

Source: None via luvinthemommyhood on Pinterest

our weekend is going to be filled with quite a bit of driving but not the fun kind.  i try to make it fun, but hey, an hour 2 times a day in the car for the kiddos isn't always an easy thing, especially if the destination isn't an exciting one.  the hubs has school all weekend which means we have to eat & get out of the house before 7:30am (or he doesn't buy me drive him to school and then do the same thing later in the day to pick him up as well as all the other outings we make in the car that day.  i'm not complaining, he needs a ride and it's his car too, but after 3 days of this schedule i just want to laze in bed and not drive my  i make lots of the kids fave playlists for the ipod so we have lots of fave music to groove along with to take their minds off the time spent in the car and of course, missing their daddy.

by the way, totally off topic, i figured out starbucks next marketing make cologne that smells like their  jer has been studying at night at starbucks (i'm jealous) and when he comes home i swear i froth at the mouth.  as soon as he enters the room i smell their coffee.  it's the most delicious scent and it's even on his clothes.  i tell you if you are a die hard starbucks fan like me it's a VERY good thing when the hubs smells like starbucks..hahaha.  it's hilarious!

we've also got plans to hit up a new fibre festival in town called " fibrations".  all you folks living in or around victoria come on down!  it's sure to be tons of fun and will be held at the st. anne's academy orchard with lots of vendors, goodies for sale, auctions and demonstrations!  i cannot wait!  there will also be live music and entertainment.  i mean really, c'mon people, if you're into fibre arts whether it be knitting, spinning, weaving, crochet etc. this is THE place to be on sunday :)  you can learn more about this awesome event on their website or facebook page .  hope to see you there!

in the midst of my driving & hanging out at fibrations i need to seriously get some knitting time in as i still have one sleeve and all my ribbing for the sides and neck of my sweater - eek!  i also am working on about 4 tutorials for you guys - another eek..that i cannot wait to get done and show you!  there's also some exciting news i have to share in the next week or so that you guys will all think is fun stay tuned :)

here's to hoping we all get lots of sleep, kick our colds, have lots of laughs, cuddles, crafting time (without kiddos) and warm sunny weather to bask in :)  happy weekend wishes ladies!  see ya on monday!

what are you all up to this weekend?  are you heading to fibrations?  any special crafting projects you hope to get time on this weekend? yippee it's friday!