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Crochet Nesting Cups Tutorial with Lorajean from Lorajean's Magazine

our next guest this week is a blogger who i have to admit, i've stalked her blog for a while and never left a comment. yes, i know...i'm a bad blog reader sometimes. when i started planning this month's theme month though i just knew i had to ask her. she crochets, sews, cooks, crafts, name it - she does it and i love it. lorajean from the lovely blog "lorajean's magazine" is here today to throw her voice into the ring and side on our friend "cushy crochet"!

i heart crochet. i don't get to do it as often as i would like. it's funny because sometimes i find people are more scared of crochet than they are of knitting or sewing when i find it's actually quite simple, less time consuming and a very rewarding craft. plus you can make the best blankies ever!

lorajeans magazine is filled with eye candy galore, inspiration, vintage goodness, tutorials and eye catching photography. take a look...

so crafty...

so pretty...

and so yummy!

want some more? let's hear from lorajean...

Hi everyone! Lorajean here from Lorajean’s Magazine. First off, I just wanted to say how truly honored I am to be a part of such an amazing group of talented bloggers! Last season I was drooling over all the great tutorials. Seriously, I wanted to make all the Comfy Sews and Cozy Knits! :) In deciding what to make for this season, I soon realized I was in the ring with myself, battling it out, fighting over what side I wanted to be on. I love knitting and I love sewing. Well, crochet always gets the shaft, so I thought I would stand in the Crochet Corner in the verses ring! Knitters are always getting all the attention and it’s high time we had a duel! So, what do you say fellow crocheters, shall we hold our hooks high and fight? Lets start stitching! (Now I have the dueling song stuck in my head. You know, the one from Micky Mouses “Ye Olden Days”, circa 1933.

“We’re gonna’ have a duel, we’re gonna’ have a duel,

“we’re gonna’ have a duel, we’re gonna’ have a duel”). :)

click here to get the full tutorial. happy crocheting!