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weekend wishes

to not feel like i am falling asleep on my feet..........

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by drinking one of these....yum.....

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to get my crochet and knitting needles out..........

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to one day have such a wide assortment of vintage sheets.........

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to make a point of remembering this when i am having a bad 'endo' day.......

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to get this read this weekend (can't wait)...........

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to find more lovelies made from buttons............

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to keep remembering the motto of this week.........

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and yes, i know i'm getting obsessed, but i keep dreaming about hunter perfect for the coast weather.....why are they so darn expensive :(

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this is gonna be a quick writeup for weekend wishes, sorry guys. we had a super duper busy day today, i'm pooped, the toddler went to bed very late, the hubby was out at a meeting and baby girl is just being too darn cute tonight. squishably cute, the i want to just lay there and coo and stare at her in awe cute. so tonight i'm gonna have some family time. hope you guys understand :) a mom's gotta do what a mom's gotta do. i need to soak up some of those baby kisses and cozy hugs and then get some spooning in with the hubs.

my weekend is going to be pretty relaxing...i hope. i think i plan on getting a nap in somewhere...ohhh, wouldn't that be so nice...a girl can dream right? a good book, cup of tea and a nap - it would be like winning the lottery! throw in some family time and sewing and we've got ourselves a great weekend.

what are you all up to? any fun family plans? did you have a chance to stop and focus on the little things this week? what was your fave? mine was harper's first full out laughing precious :)