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hang in there

image via helgasams

link luv roundup is not going to be up today....i know, it sucks, i'm missing it too - but i have a good excuse. we've got lots and lots of goodies coming your way. things may be a bit up and down here the next few weeks depending on how i'm feeling as we get closer to the little bean's arrival and i'm also working away like mad getting a few super fun surprises done on the sidelines.

image via maria ramirez

first up i'll be doing a very exciting special guest post for dana on "made" next week so watch for that! it's a thrill to be on her blog and i'm honored she asked me to join her over there. more news to come about what will be happening on her blog soon.....and also i will be making a special announcement in the next week or so here in the mommyhood about what i've got planned for when i take my "baby leave". yep, i'm going to actually take a few weeks off...haha, it will be hard, but i promise to pop in now and then with updates and pics of the new babe. but i will be leaving you in some very lovely, talented and crafty hands. so hang in there with us.....we're not going far. i'll still be posting on here until i go on "baby leave" or the baby makes an appearance.

image via helgasams

thanks for all of your support over the last few weeks, you have all made it that much easier to get through the hard times and believe me when i say i appreciate every comment and email. in the meantime cross your fingers for me that the wee one is facing the right direction. i'm going for an ultrasound today to make sure the babe isn't breech. so "hang in there" really does seem fitting doesn't it? hang in there little monkey, but hang in there the right way :)

any of you have a pregnancy that the doc thinks may be breech at 37 weeks? what did you do? any advice? did you go the "let's turn this one around" or the c-section route?